
Once there was a gentle man who lived in the darkest part of the forest. He had always lived in the forest, and in fact he had never seen either the sun or the moon. He spent the majority of his time playing tic-tac-toe in the dirt. He always played both X's and O's, because no one else lived in the darkest part of the forest. Who wants to live in a murky old forest where you never see the sun, moon, or stars?

One night, shortly after his thirty-fourth birthday, the man stood up from his tic-tac-toe game, disgusted. "This is ridiculous," he howled, "it's always a tie! No one can win this game unless the other player makes a mistake! And I never make a mistake!"

Furious, the man pushed over a nearby tree, causing a hole in the forest canopy through which he could see the full moon. Before he could say anything, the man sprouted thick hair all over his body, grew long fangs, and fleas leapt upon him. He had unknowlingly been a werewolf his entire life.

The man died shortly thereafter of an acute case of the mange.

Moral: Like everything you do.