The POTW: Verse Til It Hurts


POTW #800
(Week of 6 May, 2012)

If it seems hard to resolve differing opinions in person, try doing it over Twitter sometime. I watched a couple of friends attempt this a few weeks ago, and it was not pretty.

Incidentally, this poem is number 800 in a series that began in October of 1995. Yikes! Thanks to everybody for sticking with me.

Twitter Fight!

Tom and Rick had a Twitter fight
Nipping, snapping tiny bytes
A hundred and forty character limit
Is just enough to call someone a dimwit
Enough to assert the superior view
But not to support it with workable follow-through
You have a big hunk of jerk in your eye
And you didn't listen to what I just said
When I called you an unthinking calcified lunkhead
The format enforces a minimized breath
Which would otherwise go towards substantive depth
A brevity challenge for Rick and for Tom
But somehow there's always the room for an f-bomb

Copyright © 2012 by Dave Grossman

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Buy This Book:

Interested in more? Check out "Ode to the Stuff in the Sink," Dave's illustrated book of "guy" verse (concerning the deeper philosophies of things like not doing the laundry, putting your feet on the furniture, and of course beer) at the Maximegalomporium (our store). And did I mention it was illustrated? Pictures!

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?:

Like any self-respecting citizen of the modern age, I use machinery.

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