The POTW: Verse Til It Hurts


POTW #744
(Week of 7 November, 2010)

This is the weekend that Daylight Saving Time ends in my country, a golden opportunity for me to compose yet another cranky poem about it, and to make an impassioned plea for everyone to begin using International Color Time instead (see for details).

However, when I mentioned to my wife that I was going to have to write about either Daylight Saving or gastroenteritis, the speed and tone with which she requested gastroenteritis led me to believe that *perhaps* I've flogged the other topic a bit much. Perhaps. And given that I didn't deliver a poem last week, for Halloween Day of all days (it was kind of a busy weekend), I decided to do this little bit of rhyme, detailing a complaint from which you yourself may very well be suffering right now, following a Halloween scare:

Stress Malady #37

Sufficient shock may cause conditions
Intestinal knots and stomach tightness
The common term used by physicians
Is flabbergastroenteritis
Which can fester cramped and chronic
Unless one knows the best corrective
Not rest or diet or magic tonic
Revenge has proven quite effective

Copyright © 2010 by Dave Grossman

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Buy This Book:

Interested in more? Check out "Ode to the Stuff in the Sink," Dave's illustrated book of "guy" verse (concerning the deeper philosophies of things like not doing the laundry, putting your feet on the furniture, and of course beer) at the Maximegalomporium (our store). And did I mention it was illustrated? Pictures!

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?:

Like any self-respecting citizen of the modern age, I use machinery.

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