The POTW: Verse Til It Hurts


POTW #771
(Week of 17 July, 2011)

In checking these with Google, I did have to replace a surprising number that were being used or very close to something being used. But there are still:

Plenty Left Unclaimed

Ex Poster Facto, Barbie's New Friends
Loaded Expression, The Sanity Cleanse
Hot Blender Sandwich, Polluted Opinion
Jersey Floss Army, Profanity's Minions
Gin Backrub, The Snobjects, Telly Savant
Umber Lump, Hesitant Debutante
Patty Unscrupulous, Instant Croissant
The Costly, The Thickeners, The Non-nonchalant
Elbows for Elvis, That Thing in July
Lewd Preposition, Enormous Beat Pie
Forget those who say that the pool has run dry
Good band names are still in abundant supply

Copyright © 2011 by Dave Grossman

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Buy This Book:

Interested in more? Check out "Ode to the Stuff in the Sink," Dave's illustrated book of "guy" verse (concerning the deeper philosophies of things like not doing the laundry, putting your feet on the furniture, and of course beer) at the Maximegalomporium (our store). And did I mention it was illustrated? Pictures!

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?:

Like any self-respecting citizen of the modern age, I use machinery.

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